Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. medic. Rene Franzen, Physicist

Scientific Director of AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center GmbH

Diplom-Physiker / Physicist

  • Venia Legendi* (Privatdozent, Habilitation, degree awarded by RWTH Aachen University, Germany) in Experimental Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Dr. rer. medic., degree awarded by RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Physicist (Dipl.-Phys. (Diplom-Physiker), degree awarded by Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany)
  • Visiting Scientist (Gastwissenschaftler) at the Institute for Medical Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Society for Laser Dentistry (DGL e.V.), Aachen, Germany
  • Adjunct Professor at MIU Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt

*Venia Legendi: commonly considered equivalent to Assoc.-Professorship

Office location: Institute for Medical Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, MTZ building 1st floor, Pauwelsstr. 19, 52074 Aachen, Germany. Appointments / consultations for students on request.

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Main activities:

  • Scientific director of AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center, Aachen, Germany
  • Course director of the Master professional program “Lasers in Dentistry” (M.Pr.) at Sigmund Freud Private University, Vienna, Austria
  • interdisciplinary research project on a miniaturised dental laser (including numerical approaches for optimisation of internal laser optics, genetic algorithms)
  • numerical simulations, optimization of complex systems, system analytics
  • responsible for dental online lectures, including webinars with live-streaming to social media
  • responsible for a project for establishing and maintaining a e-learning system for the international post-doctoral master programme “Master in Lasers in Dentistry“ (M.Sc.) at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 
  • responsible for quality management in the master programme “Master in Lasers in Dentistry” (M.Sc.)
  • involved with development for Master program curricula in dentistry, responsible for ECTS calculations and accreditation of master programs

    Author of this textbook, Image links to Publisher Site

  • reviewer for the ranked, peer-reviewed journal “Lasers in Medical Science”, “Lasers in Dental Science”, “Journal of Biomedical Optics” and others
  • lecturer for physics, optics, dosimetry, laser technique, safety and biophysics in the postgraduate master programme “Lasers in Dentistry” at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • lecturer for advanced training of dentists in the field of laser safety in accordance with European regulations (OStrV, TROS and EN80625.1)
  • development and testing projects for several industrial partners, including ARC Laser, Henry-Schein, Sirona, Fotona, Biolase, elexxion medical systems and others
  • development of a medical applicator for elexxion medical systems, including self-developed ray-tracing software
  • several research projects on ablation of hard tissue and general research about water-mediated hard tissue ablation with medical lasers
  • counselling for PhD students in the physical and mathematical parts of their doctoral or master theses



  • 2022 – today
    Course director of the Master professional program “Lasers in Dentistry” (M.Pr.) at Sigmund Freud Private University, Vienna, Austria
  • 2022 – today
    Adjunct Professor for Basic Science at MISR International University, Cairo, Egypt
  • 10/2021 – today
    Scientific Director at AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center GmbH, Aachen, Germany
  • 2015 – today
    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the DGL (German Society for Laser Dentistry), Aachen, Germany
  • 7/2011 – 10/2021
    Head of Preclinical Research and Education at AALZ Aachen Dental Laser Center GmbH, Aachen, Germany
  • 7/2011 – today
    Visiting scientist at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • 3/2001 – 6/2011
    Scientist at the University Hospital, Department of Operative Dentistry of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
  • 3/2000 – 2/2001
    Scientist at the Institute for Laser Medicine at HHU Düsseldorf University, Düsseldorf, Germany



  • 05/2017: Venia Legendi* (Habilitation) in Experimental Maxillofacial Surgery at RWTH Aachen University*Venia Legendi: commonly considered equivalent to Assoc.-Professorship
  • 10/2004: RWTH Aachen University Faculty Prize for an Outstanding Interdisciplinary Doctoral Thesis
  • 12/2003: Graduation as Dr. rer. medic. (PhD equivalent), Thesis about diode-pumped, miniaturized Er:YSGG laser development, at RWTH Aachen University
  • 5/2003: Expert for Laser Safety for Dental Applications (BGV B2, since 2010 OStrV, TROS, IEC & EN60825.1)
  • 3/2000: Graduation as Diplom-Physiker (Physicist), Thesis about development for micro- optics for breath gas analysis in Diabetes mellitus patients, at HHU Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf



  • since 1/2005
    member of the German Society of Dental Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGZMK)
  • since 5/2001
    member of the German Society for Laser Dentistry (DGL)
  • 5/2001
    member of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD)
  • 7/2014 – 10/2018
    Executive Board of the European Division of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD)
  • since 2/2022
    member of the International Society for Laser Dentistry (ISLD)
  • Board Member of the Journal “Lasers in Dental Science”
  • Editorial Board Member of the Journal”Biomedicines”
  • Editorial Consultant of the Journal „Lasers in Medical Sciences“



  1. In: N. Gutknecht, C. Eduardo, „A Odontologia e o Laser“. Quintessenz Berlin, 2003,
    ISBN 85-87425-51-X
  2. In: „Der Fidelis Plus-Laser von Fotona“. Franz-Medien GmbH München, 2004,
    ISBN 3-00-015157-5
  3. In: „Laseranwendungen in der Zahnheilkunde – Physikalische Grundlagen.“, J. Meister, R. Franzen, Herausgeber J. Tinschert, Zahnheilkunde in Checklisten, Spitta-Verlag, April 2005, Teil 2/10;Kapitel 2.1, ISBN 3-934211-36-4
  4. „Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop of Evidence Based Dentistry on Lasers in Dentistry“, Session XII „Glossary of Terms“, Section Editor L. Powell, Co-Editor R. Franzen, ISBN 978-1-85097-167-2, Quintessenz Publishing Co. Ltd., London, Berlin, Chicago 2007, pg. 229-239.
  5. R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, J. Meister, „Laseranwendung in der Zahnheilkunde – Klinische Anwendungsgebiete – Laser in der Parodontologie – Biomodulation mit Laserstrahlung“, In: J Tinschert (Hrsg.): Zahnheilkunde in Checklisten. Spitta Publishing House, December  2009, Loseblattwerk Teil 2/10; Kap. 2.4.3:32-46. ISBN 3-934211-36-4
  6. R. Franzen, „Principles of Medical and Dental Lasers“, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4709-0592-7
  7. R. Franzen, „Principles of Medical and Dental Lasers: An Introduction to Laser Medicine and Laser Dentistry“, ebook, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2011,
    ISBN 978-1-4709-2427-0
  8. R. Franzen, Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde: ein Wegweiser in die biophysikalischen Grundlagen der klinischen Anwendung, mit einem Vorwort von Norbert Gutknecht, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4717-8980-9
  9. R. Franzen, Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde: ein Wegweiser in die biophysikalischen Grundlagen, mit einem Vorwort von Norbert Gutknecht, ebook, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2013, ISBN 978-1-2910-3353-3
  10. R. Franzen, Principios del Láser en Medicina y Odontología, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2016, ISBN 978-1-326-81631-5
  11. D. Strakas, R. Franzen, Glossary of Dental Lasers, Publishing, Raleigh, N.C., USA, 2021, ISBN 978-1-716-18708-7

Journal Publications

  1. R. Franzen, J. Meister, M. Stanislawski, T. Mitra, M. Ivanenko, P. Hering, „Hard Tissue Ablation with a free running and Q-switched Erbium YAG and CO2 laser: a comparative study”, Ecamp VII, Vol. 25B, ISSN 0420-0195, 2001.
  2. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, “Finite Element Study on Thermal Effects in Root Canals During Laser Treatment with a Surface-absorbed Laser”, Lasers Med Sci, 17:137-144, 2002.
  3. C. Apel, R. Franzen, J. Meister, H. Sarrafzadegan, N. Gutknecht, “Influence of the Pulse Length of an Erbium YAG Laser System on the Ablation Threshold of Human Dental Enamel”, Lasers Med Sci, 17:253-257, 2002.
  4. J. Meister, C. Apel, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, N. Gutknecht, “Influence of the Beam Profile on Hard Tissue Ablation”, Lasers Med Sci, 17:137-144, 2002.
  5. N. Gutknecht, M. Schippers, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, “The Bactericidal Effect of a 980 nm Diode Laser in Root Canal Wall Dentin of Bovine Teeth”, Lasers Med Sci, 17:137-144, 2002.
  6. C. Apel, J. Meister, R. S. Ioana, R. Franzen, P. Hering, N. Gutknecht, “The Ablation Threshold of Er:YAG and Er:YSGG Laser Radiation in Dental Enamel”, Lasers Med Sci, 17:246-252, 2002.
  7. N. Gutknecht, P. Raoufi, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, “Reduction of Specific Micro-Organisms in the Periodontal Pockets with the Aid of an Nd:YAG Laser – an in vivo Study”, Journal of Oral Laser Applications, Vol. 2, No. 3, 175-179, 2002.
  8. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, A. Kia, F. Lampert, “Elektrochemische Bestimmung des Korrosionszustandes von Amalgamfüllungen mit dem DMA-Meter”, ZMK (19) 10, 2003.
  9. J. Meister, C. Apel, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, “Influence of the spatial beam profile on hard tissue ablation, Part I: Multimode emitting erbium YAG lasers“, Lasers Med Sci, 18:112-118, 2003.
  10. J. Meister, R. Franzen, C. Apel. “Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde Teil I: Das Licht“. LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 1/04: 57-61, 2004.
  11. R. Franzen, J. Meister, C. Apel. “Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde Teil II: Das Prinzip des Lasers“. LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2/04: 115-118, 2004.
  12. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, P. Raoufi, F. Lampert, “Die Reduktion von spezifischen Mikroorganismen in den parodontalen Taschen mit Hilfe eines Nd:YAG-Lasers: eine In-vivo-Studie“. LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2/04: 1-6, 2004.
  13. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, M. Schippers, F. Lampert, “Bactericidal Effect of a 980 nm Diode Laser in Root Canal Wall Dentin of Bovine Teeth”, J Clin Laser Med Surg, Vol. 22, No. 1:9-13, 2004.
  14. J. Meister, R. Franzen, C. Apel, „Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde Teil III: Die Licht-Gewebe-Wechselwirkung“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/04: 199-204, 2004.
  15. J. Meister, R. Franzen, C. Apel, N. Gutknecht. “Multi-reflection pumping concept for miniaturized diode-pumped solid-state lasers”. Appl Optics, No. 31, Vol. 43, 5864-5869, 2004.
  16. J. Meister, R. Franzen, “Alternative zum Zahnbohrer“, Bild der Wissenschaft, No. 7, S. 18, 2004.
  17. J. Meister, R. Franzen, “Minilaser für die Zähne“, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Juli-Ausgabe, 2004.
  18. J. Meister, R. Franzen, C. Apel, N. Gutknecht, “Influence of the spatial beam profile on hard tissue ablation, Part II: Pulse energy and energy density distribution in simple beams“, Lasers Med Sci, 19:112-118, 2004.
  19. J. Meister, R. Franzen, C. Apel, „Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde Teil IV: Dosimetrie“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 1/05: 43-50, 2005.
  20. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, “Finite Element Study on Thermal Effects in Root Canals During Treatment with a Surface-absorbed Laser”, Journal of Oral Laser Applications; 5: 31-36; 2005.
  21. J. Meister, R. Franzen, “Laseranwendung in der Zahnheilkunde – Physikalische Grundlagen”, in: Tinschert, J. (Hrsg.): Zahnheilkunde in Checklisten, Teil 2/10, Kap. 2.1, ISBN 3-934211-36-4, Balingen 2005.
  22. R. Franzen, J. Meister, A. Kaul, N. Gutknecht, „Die bakterizide Wirkung eines Er,Cr:YSGG-Lasers im Wurzelkanal – eine In-Vitro-Studie“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2: 85-88, 2005.
  23. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, J. Meister, L. Vanweersch, M. Mir, „Temperature evolution on human teeth root surface after diode laser assisted endodontic treatment“, Lasers Med Sci, 20:99-103, 2005.
  24. R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, “Laser Specialists in Dentistry – Master in “Lasers in Dentistry” – a joint education program in Aachen and Dubai”, Dental Tribune Middle East Edition, 2005.
  25. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, F. Lampert, „Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry – A Review“, J Oral Laser Applications, 5:207-218, 2005.
  26. R. Franzen, J. Meister, M. Schippers, N. Gutknecht, „Die bakterizide Wirkung eines 980 nm-Diodenlasers im Wurzelkanalwanddentin boviner Zähne – eine in-vitro-Studie“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/4/05: 143-148, 2005.
  27. N. Gutknecht, I. Brockmann, J. Meister, R. Franzen, „Mikrobiologischer In-vivo-Vergleich konventioneller und laserunterstützter Parodontitistherapie“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/4/05: 149-157, 2005.
  28. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, F. Lampert, „Laser in der Kinderzahnheilkunde – A Review“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol.1: 7-18, 2006.
  29. R. Franzen, C. Apel, J. Meister, „Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde Teil V: Der Femtosekundenlaser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 1: 65-70, 2006.
  30. J. Meister, R. Franzen, K. Forner, H. Grebe, S. Stanzel, F. Lampert, C. Apel, “Influence of the water content in dental enamel and dentin on ablation with erbium YAG and erbium YSGG lasers”, J Biomed Opt, Vol. 11(3), 034030, 2006.
  31. R. Franzen, A. Wallerang, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, „Bakterizide Tiefenwirkung der Strahlung eines Er,Cr:YSGG-Lasers auf Enterococcus faecalis in humanem Dentin“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/4: 195-202, 2006
  32. J. Schiffer, R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, „Entfernung einer Leukoplakie an der Zunge mit einem Er:YAG-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/4: 207-210, 2006
  33. I. Brader, R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, „Linguale Aphtenbehandlung mit dem Nd:YAG-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3/4: 211-214, 2006
  34. R. Franzen, C. Apel, F. Lampert, J. Meister, “Use of genetic algorithm technique in solid-state laser pump cavity development”, Appl. Optics, Vol. 46, No. 8, 1302-1309, 2007.
  35. J. Meister, R. Franzen, „Dentale Lasersysteme: Die Erbium-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2: 131-134, 2007.
  36. J. Meister, R. Franzen, „In 2 Stunden zum Laserschutzbeauftragten?“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2: 142, 2007.
  37. M. Esteves-Oliveira, D.M. Zezell, W.F. Velloso, J. Meister, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, C.P. Eduardo, C. Apel, „Low Fluence CO2 (10.6 µm) Parameters for Caries Prevention“, Caries Res, Vol. 41:325, 2007.
  38. J. Meister, R. Franzen, „Dentale Lasersysteme Teil II: Der Dioden-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 3: 185-189, 2007
  39. R. Franzen, J. Meister, „Dentale Lasersysteme Teil III: Der Kohlendioxid-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 4: 267-269, 2007.
  40. J. Meister, M. Esteves-Olivera, R. Franzen, “Influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation distance on the bond strength of a restorative system to enamel” by D.T. Chimello-Sousa et al., J. Dentist, Vol. 35: 878, 2007.
  41. M. Mir, J. Meister, R. Franzen, S.S. Sabounchi, F. Lampert, N. Gutknecht, “Influence of water-layer thickness on Er:YAG laser ablation of enamel of bovine anterior teeth”, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. 23: 451-457, 2008.
  42. R. Franzen, A. Strobl, J. Meister, „Dentale Lasersysteme Teil IV: Der Neodymium:YAG-Laser“, LaserZahnheilkunde, Vol. 2: 97-98, 2008.
  43. N. Minas, J. Meister, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, F. Lampert, M. Mir, „In vitro preliminary study to evaluate the capability of Er,Cr:YSGG laser in posterior teeth root-canal preparation with step-back technique“, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. 24: 7-12, 2009.
  44. J Meister, R Franzen, M Zaum, K Gavenis, S Stanzel, N Gutknecht, B Schmidt-Rohlfing (2009) Cutting articular cartilage with an erbium:YAG laser: an ex-vivo study using porcine models under real conditions. Part I: Ablation measurement. Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):475 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  45. R. Franzen, M. Esteves-Oliveira, J. Meister, A. Wallerang, L. Vanweersch, F. Lampert, N. Gutknecht, „Decontamination of deep-dentin by means of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation“, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. 24: 75-80, 2009.
  46. M. Esteves-Oliveira, W.F. Velloso, D.M. Zezell, J. Meister, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, C.P. Eduardo, C. Apel, „A finite element model study on tooth temperature gradients after CO2 laser irradiation“,Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):468 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  47. J. Meister, R. Franzen, M. Zaum, K. Gavenis, S. Stanzel, N. Gutknecht, B. Schmidt-Rolfing, „Cutting articular cartilage with an erbium:YAG laser: an ex-vivo study using porcine models under real conditions. Part I: ablation measurement“, Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):475 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  48. M. Esteves-Oliveira, D.M. Zezell, W.F. Velloso, J. Meister, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, C.P. Eduardo, C. Apel, „The influence of pulse duration and irradiation time of a CO2 laser on enamel caries resistance“, Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):496 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  49. R. Franzen, C. Apel, F. Lampert, J. Meister, „The use of genetic algorithm technique in solid-state laser pump cavity development“, Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):497 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  50. M. Mir, J. Meister, R. Franzen, L. Vanweersch, F. Lampert, R. Poprawe, N. Gutknecht, „Visualising the procedures of the influence of water on the ablation of dental hard tissue with Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG laser pulses“, Abstract of World Federation for Laser Dentistry Congress Hong Kong, Lasers Med Sci 24(3):500 DOI: 10.1007/s10103-009-0667-2, 2009.
  51. M. Esteves-Oliveira, D. M. Zezell, J. Meister, R. Franzen, S. Stanzel, F. Lampert, C. P. Eduardo, C. Apel, „CO2 Laser (10.6 microm) parameters for caries prevention in dental enamel“, Caries Res, DOI 10.1159/000217858, Vol 43 (4), 261-268, 2009.
  52. J Meister, R. Franzen, „Erbiumlaser – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen“, Laser Journal, Vol 12(3):10-11, 2009
  53. N. Gutknecht, I. Brockmann, J. Meister, R. Franzen, „Er:YAG-Laser versus konventionelle Parodontitistherapie“, Laser Journal, Vol 12 (4), 12-20, 2009
  54. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, F. Lampert, „Finite Element Study on thermal effects in root canals“, International Journal for Laser Dentistry, Vol 1 (3), 14-18, 2009
  55. A. Strobl, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, R.D. Hilgers, F. Lampert, J. Meister, „Laser-assisted in-office bleaching using a neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser: an in vivo study“, Lasers Med Sci, 25(4):503-509, 2010.
  56. J. Meister, R. Franzen, K. Gavenis, M. Zaum, S. Stanzel, N. Gutknecht, B. Schmidt-Rohlfing, „Ablation of articular cartilage with an erbium:YAG laser: An ex vivo study using porcine models under real conditions-ablation measurement and histological examination“, Lasers Surg Med, Vol 41:674-685, 2010.
  57. N. Minas, J. Meister, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, F. Lampert, „In vitro investigation of intra-canal dentine-laser beam interaction aspects: I. Evaluation of ablation capability (ablation rate and efficiency)“, Lasers Med Sci, 25(2):835-840, 2010.
  58. J. Meister, R. Franzen, G.K. Eyrich, J. Bongartz, M. Gutknecht, P. Hering, „First clinical application of a liquid-core light guide connected to an Er:YAG laser for oral treatment of leucoplacia“, Lasers Med Sci, DOI 10.1007/s10103-010-0782-0, 2010.
  59. R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, S. Wolfart, „Lasers in Periodontology: An Overview“, Arab Dental, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2010.
  60. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, „Laser – eine integrative Technologie in der Zahnheilkunde“, Dent Implantol, Vol 14(4):252-257, 2010.
  61. R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, S. Falken, N. Heussen, J. Meister, „Bactericidal effect of a Nd:YAG laser on Enterococcus faecalis at pulse durations of 15 and 25 ms in dentine depths of 500 and 1000 μm“, Lasers Med Sci, 26(1):95-101, 2011
  62. N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, J. Meister, M. Lukac, et al., „Novel Er:YAG Laser-Assisted Tooth Whitening Method“, Journal of Laser and Health Academy, Vol 2011, No. 1, 2011.
  63. D. Strakas, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, „Laser assisted teeth bleaching.“ Arab Dental 23;(2):22-24, 2011.
  64. D. Strakas, R. Franzen, A. Kallis, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, A comparative study of temperature elevation on human teeth root surfaces during Nd:YAG laser irradiation in root canals. Lasers Med Sci (2012) pp., ahead of print, DOI 10.1007/s10103-012-1203-3
  65. F. Yung, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, H. Fischer, Shear strength of composite bonded to Er:YAG laser-prepared enamel: an in vitro comparative study. Lasers in Medical Science (2012) pp.
  66. R. Franzen, The key concept of laser dentistry, laser-international magazin of laser dentistry, Vol 4:24-27, 2012
  67. A. Mundethu, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, Rapid debonding of polycrystalline ceramic orthodontic brackets with an Er:YAG laser: an in vitro study. Lasers in Medical Science (2013) pp., ahead of print, DOI 10.1007/s10103-013-1274-9
  68. R. Franzen, Schlüsselkonzepte der Laserzahnmedizin, Laser Journal, Vol 16(1):26-29, 2013
  69. G. Berk, R. Franzen, K. Atici, S.S. Hakki, N. Berk, N. Gutknecht, „Evaluation of Contaminated Implant Surfaces Irradiated by Er,Cr:YSGG Laser“, Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry, Vol 5(4):19-26, 2013
  70. A. Mundethu, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, „Rapid debonding of polycrystalline ceramic orthodontic brackets with an Er:YAG laser: an in vitro study“, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. 29(5), 2014
  71. I. Yazdanfar, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, „Effects of diode laser on direct pulp capping treatment : A pilot study“, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. 30(4), DOI 10.1007/s10103-014-1574-8, 2014
  72. F. Falkenstein, N. Gutknecht, R. Franzen, „Analysis of laser transmission and thermal effects on the inner root surface during periodontal treatment with a 940-nm diode laser in an in vitro pocket model“, J Biomed. Opt., DOI 10.1117/1.JBO.19.12.128002, 2014
  73. N. Gutknecht, C. Van Betteray, S. Ozturan, L. Vanweersch, and R. Franzen, “Laser Supported Reduction of Specific Microorganisms in the Periodontal Pocket with the Aid of an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser: A Pilot Study,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2015, Article ID 450258, 7 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/450258
  74. R. Franzen, B. Rashidisangsary, S. Ozturan, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht; “Intrapulpal temperature changes during root surface irradiation with dual-wavelength laser (2780 and 940 nm): in vitro study,” J. Biomed. Opt., Vol. 20(1), DOI 10.1117/1.JBO.20.1.018002, 2015
  75. O. Pich, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, S. Wolfart, „Laser treatment of dental ceramic/cement layers: transmitted energy, temperature effects and surface characterisation“, Lasers Med Sci, Vol. (30)2:591-597, DOI 10.1007/s10103-013-1340-3, 2015
  76. T. Al-Karadaghi, R. Franzen, H.A. Jawad, N. Gutknecht, „Investigations of radicular dentin permeability and ultrastructural changes after irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser and dual wavelength (2780 and 940 nm) laser“, Lasers Med Sci, DOI 10.1007/s10103-015-1757-y, 2015
  77. T. Al-Karadaghi, N. Gutknecht, J. Hussein, L. Vanweersch, R. Franzen, „Evaluation of Temperature Elevation During Root Canal Treatment with Dual Wavelength Laser: 2780 nm Er,Cr:YSGG and 940 nm Diode“, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Vol 33(9): 460-466. doi:10.1089/pho.2015.3907, 2015
  78. D. Strakas, K. Tolidis, E. Koliniotou-Koumpia, L. Vanweersch, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, „Intra-pulpal temperature rise of different tooth types during dental bleaching supported by an Er,Cr:YSGG laser. A pilot study“, Lasers Med Sci, DOI 10.1007/s10103-015-1831-5, Vol 31(1):77-82, 2015
  79. M. Hajji, R. Franzen, S. Grümer, A. Modabber, R. Nasher, A. Prescher, N. Gutknecht, „Removal of Dental Implants Using the Erbium,Chromium:Yttrium-Scandium-Gallium-Garnet Laser and the Conventional Trephine Bur: An in Vitro Comparative Study“, Photomed Laser Surg. February 2016, 34(2): 61-67. doi:10.1089/pho.2015.3981, 2016
  80. R. Franzen, N. Kianimanesh, R. Marx, A. Ahmed, N. Gutknecht, Fracture Forces of Dentin after Surface Treatment with High Speed Drill Compared to Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Irradiation, Analytical Cellular Pathology, vol. 2016, Article ID 8517947, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/8517947, 2016
  81. D. Haidary, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, „Root Surface Temperature Changes During Root Canal Laser Irradiation with Dual Wavelength Laser (940 and 2780 nm): A Preliminary Study“, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. June 2016, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/pho.2015.4007, 2016
  82. R. Schulte-Lünzum, N. Gutknecht, G. Conrads, R. Franzen. The impact of a 940 nm diode laser with radial firing tip and bare end fibre tip on Enterococcus faecalis in the root canal wall dentin of bovine teeth – an in vitro study, Photomed Laser Surg, Vol 35(7), 357-363, 2017
  83. Alshamiri A, Franzen R, Gutknecht N. Temperature elevation during root canal treatment with a 445-nm diode laser—an in vitro study. Laser Dent Sci. 2018;9(2):113. doi:10.1007/s41547-018-0023-6.
  84. Martins MR, Franzen R, Depraet F, Gutknecht N. Rationale for using a double-wavelength (940 nm + 2780 nm) laser in endodontics: literature overview and proof-of-concept. Laser Dent Sci. 2018;18(2):1-13. doi:10.1007/s41547-017-0017-9.
  85. Ciurescu, C., Vanweersch, L., Franzen, R. et al. The antibacterial effect of the combined Er,Cr:YSGG and 940 nm diode laser therapy in treatment of periodontitis: a pilot study. Laser Dent Sci 2, 43–51 (2018).
  86. Gutknecht N, Hassan Al N, Martins MR, Conrads G, Franzen R. Bactericidal effect of 445-nm blue diode laser in the root canal dentin on Enterococcus faecalis of human teeth. Laser Dent Sci. 2018;2(4):247-254. doi:10.1007/s41547-018-0044-1.
  87. Ciurescu CE, Cosgarea R, Ciurescu D, Franzen R, et al. Adjunctive use of InGaAsP and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers in nonsurgical periodontal therapy: a randomized controlled clinical study. Quintessence Int. 2019;50(6):436-447. doi:10.3290/j.qi.a42508.
  88. Martins MR, Alhaidary D, Franzen R, Depraet F, Gutknecht N. The 2780-nm Er,Cr:YSGG laser in endodontic treatment of teeth with iatrogenic root perforations: technique description and case series. Laser Dent Sci. 2019;12(6):1-10. doi:10.1007/s41547-019-00069-4.
  89. Alhaidary D, Franzen R, Hilgers R-D, Gutknecht N. First Investigation of Dual-Wavelength Lasers (2780 nm Er,Cr:YSGG and 940 nm Diode) on Implants in a Simulating Peri-Implantitis Situation Regarding Temperature Changes in an In Vitro Pocket Model. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019;37(8):508-514. doi:10.1089/photob.2019.4650.
  90. Morsi A., Haidary D., Franzen R. et al. Intra-pulpal temperature evaluation during diode laser (445 nm) irradiation for treatment of dentine hypersensitivity: in vitro a pilot study. Laser Dent Sci 4, 139–144 (2020).
  91. Ciurescu CE, Gutknecht N, Ciurescu VA, Gheorghiu A, Franzen R, Arweiler NB, Sculean A, Cosgarea R. Two-year outcomes following the adjunctive use of InGaAsP and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers in nonsurgical periodontal therapy in patients with stages III and IV periodontitis. Quintessence Int. 2021 Jul;0(0) 0. doi:10.3290/j.qi.b1702285. PMID: 34235909. 
  92. Vamsi Lavu, Norbert Gutknecht, Amrutha Vasudevan, Balaji S.K, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, Rene Franzen, Laterally closed tunnel technique with and without adjunctive photobiomodulation therapy for the management of isolated gingival recession—a randomized controlled assessor-blinded clinical trial, Lasers Med Sci, 2021
  93. J. Yong, P. Li, I. K. Mizrahi, R. Franzen, S. Groeger, S. Ruf, N. Gutknecht, M. M. Marques, Effect of Low-Level Er: YAG (2940 nm) laser irradiation on the photobiomodulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase cellular signaling pathway of rodent cementoblasts, Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition), 2022
  94. N. Chemaly, R. Franzen, M. Daou, M. Karam, R. Mhanna, Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Surface Modification Effect on Dentin Bonding to Zirconia: An In Vitro Study. Photobiomodulation Photomed Laser Surg 40, 573–579 2022.
  95. Mady R., Sedky Y., Franzen R., Evaluating the efficiency of Er,Cr:YSGG laser in removing adhesive remnants from tooth structure after orthodontic brackets debonding. Egypt Orthod J 0, 0–0 (2023)
  96. Kottmann L., Franzen R., Conrads G., Wolfart S., Marotti J., Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a side-firing tip on decontamination of titanium disc surface: an in vitro and in vivo study. Int. J. Implant Dent. 9, 7 (2023).
  97. Bahaaeldin B., Fahmy O. I., Zoghaby A., Franzen R., The effect of diode laser 940 nm and 445 nm on the rise in temperature of a pulp simulating material: in vitro study. Lasers Dent. Sci. 1–7 (2023
  98. Sedky Y, Franzen R, Muhammed SF. The effect of diode laser in preventing enamel demineralization in permanent dentition (an in-vitro study). Egyptian Orthodontic Journal. 2023 Dec 1;64(1):75-83
  99. Elgadi, R., Sedky, Y. & Franzen, R. The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review. Laser Dent Sci 7, 129–137 (2023).
  100. Strakas, D., Franzen, R. The blue wavelengths in laser dentistry: a review of current literature. Laser Dent Sci 7, 97–99 (2023).
  101. Tamim, H., Usumez, A. & Franzen, R. Effectiveness of laser-assisted gingival troughing and conventional gingival displacement methods in fixed prosthodontics_ A systematic review. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (2024).
  102. Möbius, D., Braun, A. & Franzen, R. Evaluation of tooth color change after a bleaching process with different lasers. Odontology 1–12 (2024) doi:10.1007/s10266-023-00886-x.
  103. Petersen, M., Braun, A. & Franzen, R. Thermal Effects on Dental Pulp during Laser- Assisted Bleaching Procedures with Diode Lasers in a Clinical Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2024) doi:10.3390/jcm13082301.

Conference Presentations

  1. R. Franzen, J. Meister, M. Stanislawski, T. Mitra, M. Ivanenko, P. Hering, „Hard Tissue Ablation with a free running and Q-switched Erbium YAG and CO2 laser: a comparative study”, Ecamp VII, Vol. 25B, ISSN 0420-0195, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin, 2001.
  2. R. Franzen „Einfluss der Pulslänge eines Er:YAG Lasersystems auf die Ablationsschwelle von Zahnschmelz“, Vortrag auf der 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Berlin, 2002.
  3. R. Franzen, „Finite Element Study on thermal effects in root during laser treatment with a surface absorbed laser”, Vortrag auf der 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Berlin, 2002. (11th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  4. R. Franzen, „Lasergrundlagen und Licht-Gewebe-Wechselwirkung”, Vortrag auf der 13. Jahres-tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Hamburg, 2004. (13th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  5. R. Franzen, „Einführung in die physikalischen Grundlagen des Lasers”, Vortrag auf der 14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Munich, 2005. (14th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  6. A. Kaul, R. Franzen, N. Gutknecht, „Die bakterizide Wirkung eines Er,Cr:YSGG-Lasers im Wurzelkanal – eine In-Vitro-Studie“, Vortrag auf der 14. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Munich, 2005. (14th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  7. R. Franzen, „Laser Basics, biophysical interactions and it‘s role for the laser safety officer“, 1st International Laser Dentistry Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2005.
  8. Aussteller auf dem e-Learning Kongress „Sind deutsche Hochschulen bereit für das digitale Zeitalter“, CiL Centrum für integrative Lehr-/und Lernkonzepte, Aachen, 2005. (Exhibitor e-Learning Conference)
  9. R. Franzen, Sirona-Laser Workshop, Vortrag zu Grundlagen der Halbleiterphysik auf dem 10. Jahreskongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde ISLD, Berlin, 2006. (10th Conference of the International Society for Laser Dentistry)
  10. R. Franzen, „Masterstudiengang LiD in der Zahnmedizin“, Vortrag zum Bologna-Prozess und zur Einrichtung postgradualer Studiengänge an deutschen Hochschulen auf dem 10. Jahreskongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde ISLD, Berlin, 2006. (10th Conference of the International Society for Laser Dentistry)
  11. R. Franzen, Co-Editorship, „1st Evidence Based Dentistry Workshop on Laser Supported Dentistry“, Vaals, Netherlands, 2006.
  12. R. Franzen, „Realization of ECTS complicance according to the Bologna 2010 agreement in example of the accredited  postgraduate master of science (M.Sc.) program >Lasers in Dentistry< at the RWTH Aachen University“, Bologna-conference to introduce the ECTS to medicine, pharmacology, Psychology, health management and dentistry, DAAD, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
  13. R. Franzen, “Influence of the water content in dental enamel and dentin on ablation with erbium YAG and erbium YSGG lasers”, 2nd international congress of the UCLD, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2007.
  14. M. Esteves-Oliveira, R. Franzen, A. Wallerang, L. Vanweersch, N. Gutknecht, „Decontamination of Deep-Dentin by means of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation“, 1st meeting of the European Devision of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry, Nice, France, 2007.
  15. R. Franzen, „On the safety and risks of dental lasers – the need for profound education“, 1st International meeting of the Indian Society for Laser Dentistry, Mumbai, India, 2008.
  16. R. Franzen, „The use of genetic algorithm technique in solid-state laser pump cavity development“, 11th congress of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry, Hongkong, China, 2008.
  17. R. Franzen, „Endodontische Wirksamkeit verschiedener Pulsdauern und Wellenlängen im Vergleich”, Vortrag auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Köln, 2009. (18th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  18. R. Franzen, „ Bactericidal effects on Enterococcus faecalis in endodontics achieved with different pulse durations and wavelengths – a comparison of long-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers to other common dental laser systems“, 12th congress of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry, Dubai, UAE, 2010.
  19. Exhibitor at AEEDC Dental Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 2010.
  20. R. Franzen, „Diodenlaser – eine Übersicht”, Vortrag auf der 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Berlin, 2010. (19th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  21. R. Franzen, „ Folgen unbeabsichtigter Bestrahlung von Amalgamfüllungen mit einem Er:YAG-Laser bzgl. Belastung beim Einatmen und Materialverschleiss”, Vortrag auf der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Düsseldorf, 2011. (20th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  22. R. Franzen, „30 Minuten Lasersicherheit?”, Vortrag auf der 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Düsseldorf, 2011. (20th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  23. R. Franzen, „Allgemeine Grundlagen zum Verständnis der Anwendung”, Vortrag auf der 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Leipzig, 2012. (21st Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  24. R. Franzen, „You‘ll shot your eye out – safety issues you have never even thought of“, Invited Keynote Lecture, WCLI Super Symposium Huntington Beach, Ca, 2013.
  25. R. Franzen, „Biophysics“, WFLD congress, Brussels, 2013
  26. R. Franzen, „Evidence in laser dentistry – laser safety in the dental office“, 1st Int. WALED conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
  27. R. Franzen, „Evidence in laser dentistry – basic research“, 1st Int. WALED conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
  28. R. Franzen, „Intrapulpale Temperaturmessung und Lasertransmission bei parosontologischem Einsatz eines 940 nm Diodenlasers – eine in-vitro Studie”, Vortrag auf der 23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Düsseldorf, 2014. (23rd Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  29. R. Franzen, „Biophysikalische Grundlagen der zahnmedizinischen Laseranwendung“, Deutscher Zahnärztetag, Frankfurt, 2014
  30. Exhibitor at AEEDC Dental Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 2015.
  31. R. Franzen, „Transmission und Temperaturentwicklung von Keramiken unter Laserbestrahlung mit 810 nm und 2.940 nm”, Vortrag auf der 24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Berlin, 2015.
    (24th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  32. R. Franzen, „Endodontie mit dem 445-nm-Diodenlaser. Erste In-vitro-Ergebnisse”, Vortrag auf der 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., München, 2016.
    (25th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  33. R. Franzen, „Neuerungen in der Lasersicherheit, OStrV 2016 und TROS“, Vortrag auf der 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Aachen, 2017.
    (26th Conference of the German Society for Laser Dentistry)
  34. R. Franzen, „Bactericidal effect of the new 445 nm diode laser and temperature measurements for root canal treatments – an in vitro study“, invited keynote lecture, 6th congress of the WFLD World Federation for Lasers in Dentistry, European Devision, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017
  35. R. Franzen, „Basic Laser Physics – take it with pills and coffee“, invited keynote lecture, 1st international congress of the SILALO (Sociedad Iberolatinoamericana De Laser En Odontología) in Buenos Aires, Argentine, 2018.
  36. R. Franzen, „Understanding Radial Firing Tips And Their Energy Density in Endodontics, Periodontics and Periimplantitis Management“, invited plenary lecture, congress of the WFLD World Federation for Lasers in Dentistry, Aachen, Germany, 2018
  37. R. Franzen, „Ausbildung zum Laserschutzbeauftragten”, 6-hrs workshop/lecture 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., Aachen, 2018
  38. R. Franzen, „Grundlagen der zahnmedizinischen Laseranwendung“, Deutscher Zahnärztetag, Frankfurt, 2018
  39. R. Franzen, „Neuerungen in den rechtlichen Grundlagen zum Laserschutz”, 28. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde e.V., in Plowdiv, Bulgaria, 2019
  40. R. Franzen, „Update your knowledge in physics“, 7th Int. WALED conference / ISLD conference, Plowdiv, Bulgaria, 2019
  41. R. Franzen, „Einführung in die Laserzahnheilkunde“, Deutscher Zahnärztetag, Frankfurt, 2019
  42. R. Franzen, „3 most common errors in laser dentistry“, 18th International Congress of ISLD International Society of Laser Dentistry, Cairo, Egypt, 2022
  43. R. Franzen, „The importance of wavelength“, 8th WALED Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 2022
  44. R. Franzen, „Laser Dentistry 2023, what is new and what is out – latest evidences“, 9th WALED Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2023
  45. R. Franzen, „Laser Dentistry 2024, Critical Literature Appraisal“, 10th WALED Conference, Porto, Portugal, 2024
  46. R. Franzen, „Up-to-date summary of experimental endodontic lasers – comparing dichromatic to monochromatic systems“, 19th conference of the ISLD International Society for Laser Dentistry, Porto, Portugal, 2024
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