Mastership Advanced Modules give you the chance to dive deeper into your chosen laser module only, or multiple modules!
Laser Safety Officer Course [LSO]
1 Day, 1 ECT
Prerequisite / Foundational course before any module
You only need to do LSO once and your credits will be recorded, should you want to do additional modules thereafter, with no time limit.
Various Advanced Module Courses
2 Days, 2 ECTS
Complete one, or two or three or all. By completing at least 3, you qualify for the Mastership Exam in Vienna, Austria. No time limit.
- Lasers in Endodontics
- Lasers in Periodontics
- Lasers in Dental Aesthetics
- Lasers in Orthodontics, 2 Days
- Lasers in Photobiomodulation [PBMT / LLLT]
- Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry
- Lasers in Facial Aesthetics
The Laser Safety Officer Course [LSO] is the basic start before participating in any other module.
You can do the LSO course only, or you can do LSO with a module.
If you complete LSO and follow it up with any 3 Mastership Module Courses, you will qualify for the final examination module at Vienna’s Sigmund Freud University, where you will enjoy a recap lecture day with Dr Rene Franzen, present your 5 clinical cases and complete the written exam to graduate with a Mastership in Laser Dentistry.
This flexible structure is ideal for Specialists or Dentists wanting to dive deeper into lasers in certain treatment areas only.
University Mastership Advanced Module Courses
- Benefit from Certified Education in Lasers in Dentistry
- From Modules to Optional Mastership Upgrade
In standard academic studies in dentistry, dentists do not get to learn about dental laser technology and treatment concepts. Building onto a university degree in dentistry, the necessary professional knowledge for laser applications in dental practice is taught at the highest academic level in theoretical lectures and practical teaching for two selected wavelength areas – dental Erbium lasers and dental diode lasers.
Relevant theories and application options (such as with each Module Course below) pertaining to laser use in dentistry, are taught for those wavelengths. Participants obtain sound theoretical knowledge in lectures and seminars led by renowned, competent and experienced international scientists and practitioners. Skills training sessions, exercises, practical applications, and live operations guide participants towards using lasers successfully and professionally.
Laser Safety Officer Course [LSO]
- 1-Day Certification Course
- 1 ECTS
The Laser Safety Officer Certification (LSO) course is a prerequisite before any Mastership / Module Course, and is therefore available to participate in the day before the Advanced Endo Course/Module.
The 1-Day LSO provides the foundational knowledge regarding biophysical interactions between several wavelengths and the main oral tissues, and entitles you to be responsible for all safety regulations regarding Class IV medical lasers in your practice.
We give you an in-depth understanding of laser physics and laser tissue interaction, preparing you for the safest use of lasers in dentistry. We explain statutory regulations, demonstrate their implementation in practice and describe laser application fields. After passing the examination on the same day, you receive the “Laser Safety Officer” certificate.
This laser safety course meets the requirements of the trade associations for obtaining expertise as a Laser Safety Officer, recognised according to the guidelines of orientated to EN 60825-1 and/or ANSI Z136.1. This course is conceived upon the suggested curriculum of the German regulations OStrV and TROS “Laserstrahlung”.
Foundational certification course for those who have not yet completed the AALZ LSO Course. This is your chance to be taught by the wisdom-filled Physicist Rene, Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. medic. Rene Franzen who is also Scientific Director of AALZ.
- Introduction to basic laser physics
- Properties of laser radiation and generation of laser light
- Biological interaction with laser light
- Absorption behaviour of laser light in biological tissues
- Laser parameters and their influence on the the tissue interaction
- Hazards of laser light: Eye damages and laser safety goggles
- Measures to minimise and mitigate laser risks
- Duties of the LSO (Laser Safety Officer)
- Device safety
- Treatment room safety
- Workspace safety
- Safety checklists
Examination & Certification
A written exam of maximum 60 min duration will be available after the course via e-learning (online) after the participant has taken some time to study the materials in own time.
This is your chance to be taught by physicist Dr Rene, Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. medic. Rene Franzen who is also Scientific Director of AALZ.
Lasers in Endodontics
- 2-Day Advanced Module Course
- 2 ECTS
A Deep Dive into Endo, Laser-Powered!
Become one of the pioneers of expert laser use in Endodontics.
This advanced laser Endodontic course is designed for Endodontic Specialists or General Dentists with a special interest in root canal treatments who would like to integrate the ultimate Endodontic techniques supported by the benefits of efficient dental laser wavelengths in their daily practice.
Pictured: Dr Miguel R. Martins (front) with one of his Laser Classes
Why use Lasers in Endo?
The most critical factors of an Endo treatment is cleaning, debridement and disinfection of the root canal.
This is where lasers change the game in your practice, and save you a lot of time. (Apart from all the other laser-supported procedures performed by other specialists and General Practitioners.
By using innovative therapy concepts, based on specific laser-tissue interactions, scientific and clinical findings, you will be able to boost your endodontic outcomes, overcoming the limitations and hazardous effects of conventional techniques.
Differentiate & Expand Expertise
You will be providing high quality treatments based on breakthrough technological advancements and techniques. These are not only significantly less invasive but also time efficient to you and your patient. Your differentiated dental office will create new business potentials and marketing strategies by increasing and broadening your field of expertise and clinical repertoire.
Furthermore, you will decrease your work-related stress, increase your confidence as a provider of revolutionary endodontic outcomes.
Curriculum & Course Targets
The Mastership module courses will provide theoretical backgrounds, scientific support, clinical indications and skills training (patient demo’s possible upon treatments) as integral parts of the curriculum. For such purpose, the latest and advanced Endodontic techniques will be presented as integrated parts of this laser-assisted endodontic course.
All laser clinical indications within the field of endodontics (e.g. 2780nm Er,Cr:YSGG laser and the 940nm diode laser) will be explained, presented in detail and demonstrated.
You will learn all clinical possibilities and indications in the skills training.
- We will provide all endodontic materials for pre-clinical RC Treatment (e.g. endodontic files and obturation materials)
- Try different wavelengths and understand the possibilities while combining different lasers.
- Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Course accreditation(s) by:
- AALZ – Sigmund Freud Vienna University
- Portuguese Society for Interdisciplinary Medical Lasers
- Each participant shall bring minimum 3 extracted teeth with access cavity performed (3-D models will be also provided).
- Possibility to upgrade your laser knowledge by enrolling in any of the Lasers in Dentistry Masterships AALZ / Sigmund Freud University programs worldwide. All fees and contents covered in this advanced laser-endodontic module will be subtracted and the credits will be recognised, should you wish to upgrade to a higher program.
- After successful participation and examination, you will become certified as an Endodontic Laser Specialist (as well as a Laser Safety Officer from the LSO Course).
Come ready for life-changing learning with Master Endodontist, researcher and an absolute class act in this field, Dr Miguel Martins (DDS,MSc, PhD). He performs high-end Endodontic Treatments and Retreatments at his ‘Exclusive Endodontic e Microsurgery Practice’ in the Netherlands and will create laser addicts as your Endo lecturer.
Endo Program:
Day 1: Lasers in Endo
Success in Endodontics: Debating the need for alternatives to current methods
- Historical context of lasers in Endodontics
- Categorising endodontic success: How far can we go?
- Criteria to evaluate literature results and outcomes
- Rationale to support laser-assisted endodontic treatments
- Limitations of traditional irrigation methods
- Scientific evidences supporting the use of lasers in Endodontics
- Limitations of laser-supported techniques in endodontics
Laser Biophysical Interactions in Endodontics
- Interaction of different wavelengths with dentine;
- Erbium lasers: 2940nm Er:YAG and 2780nm Er,Cr:YSGG lasers
- Physical and technical backgrounds
- Concept differences and Tips
- Smear Layer Removal properties and concepts
- Disinfection properties and concepts
- Interaction of different wavelengths with aqueous solutions/irrigants:
- Laser-induced cavitation: properties and achievements
- Laser-Assisted Irrigation
- Technical set-up of different pulse emission patterns and tip-shape profiles;
- Evolution, properties, science and clinical features of:
- RFT (Er,Cr:YSGG)
- Other techniques
- The 450, 810, 940 and 980nm diode lasers:
- Biophysical and technical background
- Selecting the appropriate wavelengths
- Modes of operation and protocols for endodontic disinfection.
- Combining different wavelengths:
- Optimizing LAET – the Dual-Wavelength Concept
- Brief introduction and approaches to:
- Pulp capping & Pulpotomies
- (antimicrobial) Photodynamic Therapies (PDT, aPDT).
AALZ clinical/practical recommendations: video-demos & pre-clinical training.
Day 2: Endodontic Complicated Scenarios and Apical Surgery
Managing Endodontic Complications with Lasers
- Overcoming the limitations and hazardous effects of chemical irrigants
- Laser-assisted Irrigation vs Laser-assisted Endodontics
- 3-D Debris & Smear Laser removal & Disinfection
- Acute and Chronic Apical Periodontitis
- Laser-induced negative pressure
- Drainage of apical inflammatory content/suppuration
- Fistulas’ approach
- Large Apical Periodontitis / Cysts-like lesions
- Intricate Root canal anatomies
- Debriding and cleaning challenging root canal systems and morphologies
- Isthmuses
- Rationale for laser-assisted re-treatments
- Removal of sealers and gutta-percha
- Deep disinfection
- Open apexes and Apical Resorptions
- Endodontic traumatology:
- Dentin hypersensitivity
- Root Fractures
- Internal, External and Invasive Cervical Resorptions
- Dealing with iatrogenic damages:
- Furcation damage
- Perforations
- Ledgings
- Broken files
- Apical extrusions
- “Unbelievable” clinical scenarios
- Root Canal Sclerosis/calcifications
Laser-Assisted Endodontic MicroSurgery (Laser Apicoectomy)
- Introduction to the benefits of using Lasers in Endodontic Apical Surgery
- Properties of different wavelengths
- The use of erbium lasers for:
- Incision, bone ablation, granulation tissue removal, apicoectomy, retro-preparation, bone
- cavity and canal disinfection, suture bandage and Low Level Laser Therapy.
Examination & Certification
A written exam will be available after the course via e-learning (online) after the participant has taken some time to study the materials in own time.
Upgrades & Benefits
Your Pathway to your Mastership or Master Professional (MSc.) Degree from Sigmund Freud University [SFU] and the World Academy for Laser Education [AALZ].
Optional: Complete LSO + 3 Modules to achieve your Mastership
This Endo module course is an integrated part of the SFU Master Professional program “Lasers in Dentistry” and successful participants qualify for an upgrade into the Mastership or Master Professional (MSc.) Degree program if the participant so decides, upon successful completion of the module/s.
By completing the Laser Safety Officer Certification Course (LSO) with any 3 Mastership Module Courses such as Lasers in Endodontics,Periodontics, Surgery, Implantology, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Low-Level Laser Treatments and Facial Aesthetics, you will qualify for the final examination module at Vienna’s Sigmund Freud University, where you will present 5 clinical cases and complete the written exam to graduate with a Mastership in Laser Dentistry.
This choice is yours and gives you the flexibility to complete only the modules you’re interested in, or the opportunity to complete more modules, as well as the opportunity to complete the exam module for the Mastership qualification (or even further).
Complete as many modules as you’d like, anywhere in the world, with no time-limit.
The ECTS accreditation for the “Mastership Lasers in Dentistry” is therefore:
- Laser Safety Officer Course: 1 ECT
- Module of Choice: 2 ECTS
- Module of Choice: 2 ECTS
- Module of Choice: 2 ECTS
- Mastership Exam: 8 ECTS
- Recap Lectures with Dr Rene Franzen
- Case Presentations (5 Clinical Cases)
- Written Exam
- Total 15 ECTS
Other AALZ workshops available for upgrading your ECTS points to complete a Mastership

*Note: The LSO Module must be completed before any other module can be selected, with the option of only taking the LSO course also.
Please ask us for more info and workshop dates: