We are excited to announce that the registrations for the new Master Professional course “Lasers in Dentistry” (120 ECTS credit points) is now open with SFU Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, Austria!
The Master’s program in Lasers in Dentistry is an application-oriented continuing education program, whereby great importance is also attached to the teaching of scientific fundamentals.
The program offers dentists the opportunity to specialize in the field of laser dentistry. It promotes analytical, constructive and creative problem-solving skills in practice on the basis of a reasonably broad technical knowledge that is deepened in selected areas.
The main objectives of the program are to provide participants with scientific skills and to enable them to take up a qualified position in the dental community. Qualifications that students acquire in the course of their studies are in particular:
- An understanding of the different optical models for the classification of light
- Knowledge of the physical principles as well as the technical implementation of a laser system
- Knowledge of dental principles in the application of laser systems with specific wavelengths
- Competent and professional patient counseling in all areas of lasers and laser-assisted therapies
- Critical evaluation ability of scientific knowledge in the field of dentistry
- The ability to use dental laser systems in a clinically correct manner:
- The safe and ethical use of lasers
- The clinically indicated use of lasers, taking into account the indications and contra-indications for the given wavelengths.
- The supportive or independent role of lasers in therapy
- Recognized therapy plans and treatment protocols
With the supervision by qualified scientific staff, students are introduced to the successful and professional application of lasers in their practice. The degree enables an innovative step in the interdisciplinary linking of life science, medicine and natural sciences. The interdisciplinary cooperation also offers the possibility of linking research and teaching between the fields of dentistry and physics at the highest level of quality.
Application form and preliminary schedule can be downloaded from this link: